Page 21 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 21

4.  Review simulations of future conditions and estimated sustainable yield, re-visit undesirable
                           results, minimum thresholds and measureable objectives

               The cost estimate assumes eighteen (18) hours of preparation, travel and participation per meeting. The
               TAC meetings will be attended by the project manager and two other team members pertinent to the
               meeting agenda. Dudek assumes Valley District or Yucaipa GSA member agencies will reserve the
               meeting location and audiovisual equipment for the meetings.

               USGS Groundwater Model

               The costs for this task are based on using a calibrated numerical model that integrates surface water and
               recharge with groundwater. Dudek understands that the USGS anticipates having a calibrated model by
               the end of summer 2018, at which point the preliminary model input files and draft documentation on
               model design and calibration will be provided to Valley District. USGS anticipates publishing a final report
               of the model in the summer of 2019. Dudek anticipates obtaining the preliminary model input files and
               draft documentation in the summer of 2018 to begin evaluating the basin water budget, historical safe
               yield, sustainable yield, data gaps, and preparing predictive simulations of future conditions to estimate
               sustainable yield.  It is assumed that there will not be any substantial revisions between the preliminary
               model of 2018 and final model in 2019 that would require revisions to work already done on historical
               water budget and historical safe yield.  We will wait for the final model to conduct simulations of future
               conditions.  If the final version of the USGS model is not available by July 2019, it will impact the schedule
               and budget.
               Modeling Future Conditionsodeling Future Conditions
               Modeling Future ConditionsModeling Future Conditions
               Dudek will incorporate the following simulations using the USGS numerical model to evaluate future
               conditions and potential impacts from proposed projects. These simulations will satisfy the future
               conditions evaluations required by SGMA.
                   1.  Dudek will use one 50-year climate period to represent baseline climatic conditions for the basin.
                       This 50-year climatic period will be used to simulate future climatic conditions after applying
                       DWR’s climatic factors.
                   2.  Dudek will conduct one baseline simulation that includes existing pumping and spreading.
                   3.  Dudek will conduct two simulations to evaluate future projects against baseline conditions.
                          a.  Each simulation may include one or more proposed projects concurrently to evaluate the
                              potential impact of their combined operations on groundwater conditions in the basin.

               If the Yucaipa GSA requests additional predictive simulations to evaluate other climate change scenarios
               or potential projects, than the scope of work and budget provided in this proposal will be amended and
               presented for approval by the GSA.

               Prepare Historical Water Budget
               The historical water budget will be based on the data identified by the local agencies and provided to
               Dudek during the 60-day period of data submittal. Data made available after the 60-day period of data
               submittal will be held for incorporation in the 5-year updates.
                   •   Pre-draft historical water budget tables and figures for Yucaipa GSA review and comment
               Technical Assessment of Monitoring Network
               A memorandum will document the procedures used during the evaluation of the existing monitoring
               program, and conclude with a discussion of expanding the network to be sufficient to meet SGMA

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                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 29, 2018 - Page 20 of 25
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